After the accident, I felt that no one needed me. UPSC did not allow me to join the job, my marriage broke down. But now it seems that what I am doing today is more important. If the accident had not happened, I might not have done what I am doing today. I have no complaints, I am happy. '
She topped both studies and sports. Everyone wished to befriend him during school days. The process of becoming number one continued in the college as well. She topped MSc and became a Gold Medalist. In the first attempt, she passed the civil services examination and her marriage to a favorite boy was decided. She was very happy. The girl who had dreams of a great future and love, now had no desire to get anything else. She wanted to thank God for giving her lots of happiness in life. But what did you know that these happiness is just a few moments. An accident occurred while returning from the temple. A bus coming from the front with a high speed hit his car. That accident left him forever disabled. The job was lost, the relationship broke and life was reduced to a wheel chair. Everything was over, but not encouraged. He continued his further studies. He was awarded the Young Scientist Award. Then he made it his aim to beautify the lives of people with disabilities. Shruti Mahapatra of Bhubaneswar is lighting up the lives of thousands of destitute and destitute disabled people today.
Shruti was very happy since childhood. Studying hard and having lots of fun while playing. His nature was something like this. His record from school to university was excellent. She was beautiful and also brilliant. In 1978, he received the Best Student Award at Utkal University. She was the National Debating Champion at the University for three consecutive years. Apart from studies, he had a keen interest in basketball. He also played many tournaments at the state and national levels. Everyone was his fan, everyone praised him, everyone wanted to make him friend. He has never had to deal with the difficulties and hopelessness of life. Shruti says, "I have never seen difficulties, whether sports or studies, always topped. As if everything was found very easily. But after the accident, it came to know how difficult life is.
She wanted to become an IAS officer. After topping the university, he started preparing for the civil services examination. As everyone expected, he was selected on the first try. She was then 22 years old. Marriage with a favorite boy was also decided. Everyone was happy at home. Then an accident occurred. The date was 14 April 1987. Shruti was returning from the temple after darshan. A bus hit his car. When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a hospital. There was a smile lying on the bed. Nobody dared to tell him what happened. Then he realized that his legs were not moving. She cried, cried a lot. Doctors said that his body below the waist has been paralyzed. Now she will never be able to stand on her feet. Shruti was stunned after hearing this. She remained silent for a few days. Didn't understand what to say and what to do.
The accident changed Shruti's life. In a moment, his degrees, abilities and even the relationship of love became meaningless. The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) disqualified him. Despite passing the exam, she could not do the job. The desire to become an IAS remained unfulfilled. The marriage broke up. The housemates were disappointed, but Shruti was upbeat. She returned home after battling for life in a hospital for two years. Now she was stronger than ever. She decided that she would not let physical disability become her weakness. She then started studying as before. Fellowship and PhD in Zoology. In 1993, he received the National Young Scientist Award. He has written more than a hundred research papers. That accident gave him a new personality. Now she had started writing poems and stories as well, the emotions of the mind were getting engraved on paper.
Shruti has no complaint with life. She says, "Life is beautiful." It is an opportunity to do something for the society. Maybe I couldn't do better than this. ”Shruti is trying to create a better environment for people with disabilities, so that they too can live with respect like everyone else. She runs Shared Entertainment and Recreation. This organization organizes street plays, fashion shows and hikes for disabled people. Their aim is to create excitement in the minds of physically weak people, instill new confidence in them. She is also the Director of the Women's Cell of Disabled People's International Cell. Through this, she inspires disabled women to live a better life.
For Shruti, more important than her achievements, is the grooming of others. To give hope to those who are disappointed in life, whom no one loves, whom no one helps. He has done extensive studies on the problems and solutions of the disabled. Shruti herself could not become an IAS officer, but is training all the children to succeed in competitive examinations. She especially helps poor and disabled children. Now this is the mission of Shruti's life. He has inspired the corporate houses of Bhubaneswar to give jobs to people with disabilities in his institute. In 2001, he formed an organization called 'Swabhiman' and struggled to provide three per cent reservation for the disabled in government jobs in Odisha (now Odisha). This list
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