Snapseed Orange And Black Effect Preset - Orange and Black Preset Free download for Mobile Light-Room App. [AF Edit]
Hey guys, What's up. This article is going to be very cool because as you guys can see how the thumbnail is and you guys also want your photo edited the same as above in the thumbnail. And guys very interesting is that it only needs the mobile snapseed app and Lightroom app cc, that's it nothing more than that. As you guys can see in the thumbnail how our model is looking on one side and how again he is looking on the other side that's how we edit photos. Not to worry about it guys you will definitely get to know how we edited that in this article only.
Now coming at the main topic, what is going to be in today's post, today I am going to give you all guys the Preset for Lightroom app cc, and this Preset is absolutely free of cost. Ah! I forget to tell you the name of the Preset, so guys the name is Orange and Black Effect Lightroom Preset or simply you can say it Orange and Black Preset. This Preset is generated in the mobile lightroom app by Afan Iraque. There are many youtube channels on youtube that will show you how you can create Lightroom Preset, and I am also going to teach you guys in this Article how to use the Orange and Black Preset in the Mobile Lightroom app. You can edit your own photo by watching my videos or for your easy access you can get all files from my Website provided down towards some lines.
- Get all the required apps from Playstore.
- Then you guys have to come to my website again and take all the preset which is free of cost.
- Now you guys have to open your mobile lightroom app into your mobile phone.
- Then you guys have to add the preset which you have taken from this website into your lightroom app.
- Now inside the preset, you will find on the top right, 3 dots in your lightroom app.
- There you will also find the Copy preset option.
- Now you guys have to copy the settings of preset.
- Then you guys have to open your normal photo into your lightroom app.
- Also there you will find 3 dots in the top right in the lightroom app.
- There you will find the Paste setting or paste preset option, there you have to click and your copied preset will paste in your photo.
- So, your photo is now successfully edited.
- If you guys still did not understand from this article how to edit a photo like above provided in the thumbnail, then you guys can watch my video in my youtube channel[AF Edit]
This Preset is created in the Lightroom app cc by using some easy and simple tricks, speaking you detail about the Preset if you just have a good quality photo and you have trees or grasses into your background and also you have sky in the background, then this preset will turn that trees and grasses into a light grey color, and sky also into beautiful grey color, by that your phot will look like same as in the thumbnail, you guys can edit your photo with the pro one.
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